Our Mission, Vision and Core Values


To be the preferred provider of lifting solutions, setting standards for a more sustainable future


Customer Satisfaction
We are trusted by our customers for our knowhow, reliability and quality, which contribute to safe, sustainable and efficient working environments around the world.

Preferred Partner
Our success depends on our ability to collaborate with manufacturers that share our values and passion for innovation.

Global Yet Local
We understand the importance of being close to our customers and combine the benefits of flexible, local entrepreneurship with the strenght of an international group.

Profitable Growth
We secure growth and innovation through passionate people in a learning organisation, and we are actively seeking like-minded companies that would like to join our group

Core Values

Our core values bind us together and set us apart from other market players. They are evident in everything we do and are an important guide for everyone of our companies and people.

Being far-sighted
Looking to the long term and favoring the sustainable option.

Making things happen
We take the initiative, drive things forward and deliver on our promises.

Being good to work with
Because people matter; relationships matter; respect matters.